An Empowered Wife Network!

"On My Paper" is an online resource for Christian Women who practice the Six Intimacy Skills™. The vision of this ministry is to support and inspire women who want to cultivate connected, peaceful, joy-filled relationships.

What does it mean to be empowered?
Empowerment is living in the belief that I have powerful influence in my relationships, but only from my own "paper". I have the ability to cultivate or erode intimacy. Skills for intimacy are available to any woman willing to practice. A Christian Empowered Woman transforms herself, her family and so also the world. We would love to invite you in to stretch and grow together.
Start here if you are new!
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On My Paper Vision Video!
Better Together
Are you an independent certified Laura Doyle coach curious about collaborating to support Christian Women or about joining our referral network? Send me an email and say hi! I love connecting with other coaches. So happy you found us! Coach Julie ><>