Christian Private Coach Referrals


Coach Julie Cole


The Laura Doyle Certified Coach Community is a tight network of transformed women who are committed to practicing the skills and to supporting women in breakthrough. There are many Christians in the coaching body and I am proud to introduce you to some of them. Certain coaches host communities of their own, while others focus solely on coaching private clients. I invite you to check out their bios and explore their links. If you are desiring personal support, I take a small number of private clients myself and I'm confident you will find great options here.

For the purpose of this network, the definition of a Christian is someone who follows Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of God, believing in His earthly life, crucifixion on the cross, and resurrection from the dead. Biblical references include John 3:16, Romans 10:9, Acts 4:12, John 14:6, and Ephesians 2:8-9.


Private coaches handle all of their own appointment scheduling and payment arrangements.


Coach Cristie Cerniglia


Cristie Cerniglia is a ridiculously happy wife after 30 years of marriage.  Mom of 4 and Kiki to 2, she is passionate about helping women rewind their relationships back to the fun and romance of dating (with or without their husband's efforts)!

Email: [email protected]

Darla F

Coach Darla Ferreira

Darla married the man of her dreams, lived her life for God since elementary school, and regularly attended church every week, so how in the world was she in a place where her husband couldn’t even tell her he loved her. What went wrong? She would say “I hate you” to him in her mind and felt stuck because she made a commitment to God to stay together. Her prayers led her to Laura Doyle’s 6 Intimacy Skills ™️, and she was amazed to have a better marriage within 2 weeks. Now her marriage feels dreamy. She's eager to assist others facing challenges like irreconcilable differences or betrayal, offering hope for revitalizing their marriages.


Sage Frese

Coach Sage Frese


Sage is a follower of Jesus who married in order to walk out her faith beside a godly man. She was shocked to find that her marriage became the one thing making it impossible for her to thrive in her life with God. One day, that all changed when God used Laura Doyle’s Six Intimacy Skills to begin to write a better story than Sage could ever imagine. As a Christian Laura Doyle Certified Relationship Coach, Sage loves using the pain from her past and the surprising possibilities of God to guide women in creating marriages that are easy, intimate, and a great source of strength.

Coach Zee Hoepner


Zee remarried into a blended family with five children.  Her husband was wonderful! Yet problems kept creeping up that she didn’t know how to get a breakthrough on. She tried Christian marriage counseling, reading books and articles and trying to get her husband to read them too.  Nothing worked until she found the six intimacy skills. With the book, RHW, and private coaching she got the breakthrough she needed to transform her marriage. She is passionate about helping other women apply the skills in their challenging areas and get back to having fun!

WhatsApp: +62 81210067095

Email: [email protected]


Joanna Hughes

Coach Joanna Hughes


In the beginning, his kindness and generosity felt like a beacon, a smile that was the sun on her horizon, but over time, their marriage became a desolate landscape. Despite their vow to avoid the bitter destiny of Joanna’s parents' failed marriage, by the seventh year, she found herself lost in the struggles of raising children, including a daughter with profound developmental disabilities, while her husband focused on his career. Her attempts to seek his attention only led to further estrangement and conflict. However, nineteen years into their marriage, she discovered Laura Doyle’s 6 Intimacy Skills™, which transformed her approach to their relationship. By relinquishing control, embracing respect, and focusing on self-care and gratitude, she rekindled their connection and saw her husband in a new light. The skills brought dramatic improvements to their marriage, leading her to a fulfilling relationship and inspiring her to become a coach to help others find the same hope and transformation.

[email protected]



Lucy Martin

Coach Lucy Martin


Lucy Martin is a licensed therapist and Certified Laura Doyle Relationship Coach. She is a ridiculously happy homeschooling mom of five who was delighted and surprised when God called her to start Easy Biblical Marriage, a ministry helping wives fall in love with their lives, their husbands, and God's Word. She hosts a podcast and Facebook group; both are called Easy Biblical Marriage.

Kome Oseghale

Coach Kome Osengale MD FAAP


Kome is a Pediatrician actively involved in her community and helping families stay healthy but her marriage of 19 years fell apart right under her nose. She did not know that the skills that made her successful at work did not apply in her marriage. The breakthrough and healing of her marriage started after she found and started  practicing the 6 intimacy skills™️ by Laura Doyle. She is now a ridiculously happy wife on a mission to help other immigrant professional Christian wives like her thrive  in their own marriages. She resides in the US and Canada and offers online coaching support to wives and women from all over the world.


Rachel Parrish

Coach Rachel Parrish


Rachel’s story starts when she was a little girl, she dreamed to be a wife & mother… her dreams came true but not without heartache & pain. Things weren't always hard, there were joyous times but it seemed it got bad all of a sudden, but in reality, it was a slow fade of getting to that point. She felt like it was a never ending rollercoaster of ups and downs in her marriage, like she was to be like Job in the Bible and a painful marriage was her cross to carry. Things are no longer like that for her marriage thanks to these transformative skills. And she believes wholeheartedly there can be freedom for you too, and for you to have a JOYFUL marriage.


Janelle S Headshot

Coach Janelle Simpson

Janelle suffered through the pain of divorce before meeting her second husband, a wonderful man with his own painful past.  When she began experiencing the same struggles in her second marriage, with the added stress of blended family dynamics, she was convicted of unhealthy, controlling patterns in her life.  She discovered Laura Doyle's books and I Peter 3, and Jesus began to transform her from the inside out.  Formerly a critical, controlling, resentful, and lonely wife, Janelle has been transformed by Jesus and the Six Intimacy Skills and now has a life full of joy, peace, redemption, and a new appreciation and unconditional love for her husband, 2 daughters, and 2 stepdaughters.  She would love to come alongside you as you transform your marriage, or any other relationship, using these same skills, with Jesus at your side.  There is truly HOPE for your marriage! 


Coach Vicki Stephenson


Vicki enrolled in Relationship Coach Training with the intention of assisting “other” women with their relationships. Little did she know that it would become the pathway through which God would reveal to her, her true self. After spending over 30 years in marriage, hoping for her husband to change so she could find happiness, Vicki realized SHE had the power to be the catalyst for change. Embracing the six intimacy skills not only transformed her marriage into one filled with peace, connection, and joy but also altered her entire approach to life and relationships. Vicki is passionate about empowering women to discover the delight of thriving biblical relationships while reflecting Christ in the process.

Email: [email protected]

Virginia Tai

Coach Virginia Tai


Since Virginia’s marriage breakdown and the subsequent breakthrough, she realises the importance of emotional safety for connection and intimacy. As a certified coach she has found her calling to support and empower women in relationship struggles to heal and grow in love. She offers online coaching support to help women regain their confidence and find bliss in life so that love and intimacy can flourish again. She is a Roman Catholic and lives in Singapore offering her coaching in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.

Email: [email protected]


Teresa Turner

Coach Teresa Turner

She was disappointed, thought surely she had married the wrong man, and felt frustrated and hopeless that her marriage would ever be any better.  After applying the Intimacy Skills she discovered a peaceful, loving, happy marriage. She is a Certified Laura Doyle Relationship Coach and  loves leading other women to get all things new in their walk with Jesus and their life in marriage. Isaiah 43:19
Kristen Walters

Coach Kristen Walters


Before Kristen gave her life to Jesus in 2005, she experienced the pain of divorce. She raised her twin sons, then met another wonderful man. A few months into the marriage there was so much fighting, she feared a second divorce. In prayer and desperation, she found the work of Laura Doyle and The Six Intimacy Skills. Her own marriage transformation inspired her to certify as a Laura Doyle Certified Coach. She is also grateful that the relationship skills have transformed her relationship with the father of her sons. As a former therapist and now a relationship coach, Kristen loves to coach women of faith, women in second marriages, women in blended families and more!


Are you a Christian Laura Doyle Certified Relationship Coach who would like to join our network?

Send an email to [email protected]